Sound Healing from Hyperconnectivity: How Hyperconnectivity Affects Attention
Zuzanna Maria Sosnowska
The dissertation project sOUND HEALING FROM HYPERCONNECTIVITY: HOW HYPERCONNECTIVITY AFFECTS ATTENTION is a phenomenological artistic research project culminating in the immersive performance Connect to yourself (2022). During my artistic process, I have been investigating the interconnection between the commodification of sound healing and guided meditation and the retreat from the negative effects of hyperconnectivity. This research investigates how the commodification of sound healing has transformed the ritual originally experienced collectively by indigenous, non-capitalistic cultures into an individual activity that enhances the self-improvement of privileged groups. In the beginning of my artistic research, I noticed a lack of discourse connecting the effects of technology on human attention. My personal experience of hyperconnectivity has motivated me to find a solution in immersive experiences of sound healing to be able to enhance my attention. My research wants to fill in a gap of attention in which these services are accessible to a diversity of attention in the larger context of hyperconnectivity of lifestyles and overstimulation. I aim to disseminate neo-healing as a solution to eliminating the disrupting effects of hyperconnectivity on attention.
Identifying the lack of specificity or measurability and ambiguity of the vocabulary used in the discourse of sound healing introduced before, I aim to widen the practice of guided meditation to respond to the needs of more inclusive receivers according to diversity of attention. I critically contextualize the dominant modality of normative attention by subverting the practice of guided meditation from within, proposing a missing element that I identified in dominant narrations of guided meditation practices. My contribution lies in proposing an alternative that is modern, adapted to hyperconnected conditions that affects our attention and responsive for missed in the spiritual discourse diversity of attention in the form of neurodivergent guided meditation.
Identifying the lack of alternative practices and narrations in guided meditations that allow distractions in and do not suggest a dominative concentration mode, I created my own customized experience of guided meditation, tailored for both attention and distraction. What distinguishes my neo-healing practice from conventional guided meditation is allowing both modalities to appear and therefore diversity.
I identify a lack of specific terms that describe the beneficial effect of sound on attention. For that reason, in my dissertation, I decided to focus on attention as a resource affected by hyperconnectivity.