Welcome to the final performances of our First Year students! "Burnety 200: Who am I if not exploited", a performance by Gustavo Tome

Time & Location
30 Jun 2021, 19:00
ArtEZ, Theatre 3, Onderlangs 9, 6812 CE Arnhem, Netherlands
About the Event
People who were born between 1980 and 2000 (Millennials) are experiencing what Byung Chul Han calls the ‘’Burnout Society”. Millennials are suffering from tiredness, burnout, depression, anxiety and ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).
There are many reasons for that, but the main subject I would like to approach in my artistic research is the construction of Millennial’s identities through productivity and its achievements. With the desire of being successful, they start to exploit themselves, forcing their bodies to produce in order to feel validated. Taking this context as reference, I created a persona called Burnety 2000, who aims to face the burnout society as a sociological and systematic problem. Burnout is not an individual problem.
The performance WHO AM I IF NOT EXPLOITED? is an immersive party that questions this reality and exposes the mechanisms and operations of self exploitation present in the millennials bodies.
Two more performances of our First Year students are being presented the same day, "The Dancer, split" by Kadri Sirel and "Crafting Bodies" by Andrea Van Der Kuil. Check out for more information and reserve your spot!
If you are planning to attend any of the performances, please enter your details to RSVP registration form.